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US criticises Sudan, South Sudan for oil export delay

The US criticised the prolonged delay in oil exportation by South Sudan and Sudan on Tuesday, arguing that it undermines the peace process. Oil export has been delayed since the two states were unable to come to an agreement on how to withdraw their armies from the disputed border territories.

In a statement the spokesperson for the US State Department Victoria Nuland said:

"The government of Sudan's intent to postpone the restart of oil production until the implementation of security arrangements is complete runs counter to the fundamental principles of the [September] accord and continues to undermine the economic and security situation in both states."

Urging Sudan to talk to the rebel group Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-North), Nuland said:

"Security will only come if Sudan cooperates with South Sudan and begins direct talks with the SPLM-N to address the Two Areas conflict,"

SPLM-North is a rebel group supportive of South Sudan during the civil war. Sudan asserts that the group, which controls part of the Sudan side of the disputed border, is being aided by South Sudan.

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