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UN Security Council condemns North Korean rocket launch

The United Nations Security Council roundly condemned the launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea, following global criticism of the move by Pyongyang.

A statement by the Security Council said,

"Members of the Security Council condemned this launch, which is a clear violation of the Security Council resolutions 1718 and 1874."

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Susan E. Rice commented,

"The statement that was issued today, that was an initial statement out of the Council, is one of the swiftest and strongest, if not the swiftest and strongest, that this Council has issued."

Earlier in the United States, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said,

"North Korea's launch today... is a highly provocative act that threatens regional security, directly violates United Nations Security Council resolutions ... and undermines the global non-proliferation regime,"

China, a long-time ally of North Korea, also expressed "regret" over the launch, in a statement released earlier on Wednesday.

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