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TNPF will support TNA to avoid Sinhalese takeover of Vavuniya North divisional council

The Tamil National People’s Front will support the Tamil National Alliance to ensure that Sinhalese parties don’t take control of Vavuniya North.

Speaking at the Jaffna Press Club today, the TNPF’s national coordinator V. Manivannan said that the TNPF was committed to ensuring that Tamil parties led the Tamil homeland and would ally with the other Tamil nationalist parties to ensure that Sinhalese parties did not takeover control of the Vavuniya North divisional council (pradeshiya sabha).

Rajapaksa’s party, the SLPP, won the most seats in the division at the local government election, and other Sinhalese parties have reportedly committed their support in order to ensure a SLPP council chair. The SLPP and other Sinhalese party members total 12 in the council.

The TNPF could join with the TNA as well as the TULF to form a majority of 14, Mr Manivannan said.

It was vital that Tamil parties held on to Vavuniya North to prevent further Sinhalisation of the division and the district, he said.

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