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Tamil diaspora organisations commemorate 40th anniversary of Vaddukoddai resolution

Tamil diaspora organisations, in a statement marking the 40th anniversary of the passing of the ‘Vaddukkoddai Resolution,’ pledged to host events around the world to reaffirm and 'take it forward in all dimensions.'

The statement read,

“The essence of the Resolution declared on 14 May 1976 under the leadership of the late S.J.V Chelvanayagam was the enunciation by Tamils that, in view of their long maligned experiences, they could no longer live under the hegemonic rule of a Sinhala Buddhist State. In the subsequent General Elections of 1977, the Tamil people gave a clear mandate for the Resolution by electing all candidates who stood behind it. That mandate by the people lives in their spirit forty years on.”

In a statement released on Thai Pongal, the Transitional Government of Tamil Eelam, International Tamil Youth Organisation and International Council of Eelam Tamils said,

“It is also remarkable that this year marks a confrontation between the 40th anniversary of the Vaddukoddai Resolution which is an expression of the political aspirations of the Eelam Tamil people, and the efforts of the Sinhala rulers to address the constitution itself in the name of solving the Tamil National question. Meanwhile, Tamils in the homeland have their everyday existence curtailed by the heavy military presence, and the space for expression of their political aspirations completely denied under the Sixth Amendment.”

See full statement here.

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