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Syrian rebels accused of executing soldiers

Rebels from the Free Syrian Army have been accused of executing government soldiers, after a video emerged showing what appeared to be at least 20 dead bodies, blindfolded and handcuffed.

The amateur videos posted online showed men who identified themselves as from the rebel Salman al-Farisi battalion in Aleppo, standing over the bound uniformed bodies on a pavement.

The execution allegations were reiterated by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights who stated that the incident had occurred sometime over the weekend.

See video from Russia Today below (graphic images).

Meanwhile, Navi Pillay, the UN human rights commissioner, said on Monday,

“The use of heavy weapons by the government and the shelling of populated areas have resulted in high numbers of civilian casualties, mass displacement of civilians inside and outside the country and a devastating humanitarian crisis.”

“I am concerned that they may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity”

“I am equally concerned about violations by anti-government forces, including murder, extra-judicial execution and torture, as well as the recently increased use of improvised explosive devices.”

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