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Syrian opposition to meet US and Russian officials

The Syrian opposition are to meet officials from the US and Russia on Saturday together in order to discuss political transition reports Reuters.

According to sources in the opposition, the Coalition president, Moaz Alkhatib, is to meet the US Vice President Joe Biden, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the UN envoy Lakhdhar Brahimi at the sidelines of a conference on security and cooperation in Munich.

Reuters have quoted the source as saying:

"I think Russia warmed to the meeting after Alkhatib's proposal (to talk to Syrian officials). The Coalition has adopted a position of constructive vagueness on whether Assad should step down first for a transition to happen, and it has stirred things up,"

However, Lavrov's deputy has since tweeted,  "As it stands today, there is no such meeting mentioned in the program of the Russian Foreign Minister."

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