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Sri Lankan military tells UN Special Rapporteur of ‘military involvement in nation building’

Sri Lanka’s commander of the Security Forces in Jaffna met with the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues this week, where the military delegation spoke of how it was “evolving to uplift the livelihood of Jaffna people,” reports an official website.

Major General Mahesh Senanayaka met with Rita Izsak-Ndiaye and a United Nations delegation this week, as part of Ms Izsák-Ndiaye’s visit to the island.

According to the official website of the military in Jaffna, the military delegation “described the military involvement in nation building project such as national security, prevention of smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking etc”.

Furthermore, Major General Senanayaka went on to describe “the Reconciliation mechanism which Security Force (Jaffna) is evolving to uplift the livelihood of Jaffna people”.

The meeting comes after Ms Izsák-Ndiaye met with members of the Northern Provincial Council who spoke of the continued Sri Lankan military occupation of land in the North-East.



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