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Sri Lankan foreign ministry aware of US lobby firm hiring states minister

Sri Lanka's Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade said the foreign ministry was fully aware of the hiring of a US lobby firm to help the government's international ties.

Malik Samarawickrema said he had received Sri Lankan cabinet approval for the move, which is costing the government some $30,000 a month. The Sunday Times reported that the firm, Travis and Rosenberg (ST&R), has been hired "to educate officials on a non-existent peace process, increase economic ties and market access".

Colombo had received proposals from two different US-based firms said the minister. The proposal was then cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Matters (CCEM) who approved the hiring. The Sunday Times had quoted a foreign ministry official as saying the ministry was unaware of the hiring.

"Sunday Times Newspaper should have had the courtesy to find the facts from the Ministry before publishing an incorrect article under the banner headline," the Minister said.

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