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Sri Lanka to investigate astrologer over prediction of president’s death

The Sri Lankan government has ordered an astrologer to face investigations, after he reportedly predicted that Sri Lankan president Maithripala Sirisena will die before January 26th next year.

Sri Lanka’s Media Ministry secretary Nimal Bopage said the astrologer’s predictions had been circulating on social media, thus the police force was ordered to launch a investigation into the “conspiracy”.

“This man claims to be an astrologer and he is predicting that the president will be killed by January 26,” Mr Bopage said. “We have alerted the police to carry out a criminal investigation because we suspect this to be part of a wider plot to assassinate the president.” The president's office has allegedly distanced themselves from the minister's remarks.

The astrologer is former Sri Lankan navy sailor Vijithamuni Rohana de Silva who served two and a half years in prison after he was convicted of attempting to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1987. The former sailor infamously attacked Mr Gandhi during a naval guard of honour.


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