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Sri Lanka considers establishing media body to ensure 'decorum'

Sri Lanka's cabinet spokesperson, Gayantha Karunatilaka said on Wednesday the government is to consider establishing a media standards body to ensure the media would act with responsility and decorum. 
The government minister said the proprosal, which is to be put for public consultation, was in order "to prevent misinformation, disinformation, character assassinations and publishing half baked news, lies and absolute lies have become the order of the day by both print and electronic media and the worse was the so-called social media that comprises web sites and FM services." 
"Therefore, a monitoring and regulatory mechanism is extremely necessary to guide the media on the right direction while adhering to the law of the land, and honouring the journalistic guidelines and norms in journalism. Media considered as the fourth estate of a democracy must act with responsibility and decorum and it must not be a law unto themselves," he was further quoted by the Daily Mirror as saying. 
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