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Serbia and Bosnia sign war crimes agreement

Chief Prosecutors of war crimes from both Bosnia and Serbia have signed an agreement that will allow easier transfer of information and evidence of war crimes between the two countries.

Signing the “Protocol on Cooperation in Prosecution of Perpetrators of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide,” was Vladimir Vukcevic, head of the War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office of Serbia and Goran Salihovic, who heads the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Vukcevic earlier hailed the agreement as helping “to administering the cases more efficiently, eliminating parallel investigations, and facilitating the exchange of evidence.”

Barisa Colak, the Bosnian Minister of Justice said in November,

“The only way forward is to cooperate with our neighbours or exchange information; in that way we will not be in the position of neighbours issuing warrants for the arrests of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and vice-versa”.

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