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Russia and Iran meet with Syrian opposition

The leader of the Syrian opposition has met with both the Russian and Iranian Foreign Ministers, long-term allies of President Assad's regime, for the first time, as the conflict in Syria continues.

Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the Syrian National Coalition, widely recognised as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, also met with US Vice President Joe Biden at Munich, Germany, where a global security conference was being held.

Speaking on the meeting, Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said,

"Russia has a certain vision but we welcome negotiations to alleviate the crisis and there are lots of details that need to be discussed."

Meanwhile Iran's foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, stated that  more meetings would be held with the opposition and called for them to form a transitional government with the existing Syrian regime.

Al-Khatib was heading back to Cairo to brief members of the opposition of his talks. However many remain sceptical, with Walid al-Bunni, a member of the Coalition's 12-member politburo, stating the meetings had failed. He was quoted by Reuters as saying,

"It was unsuccessful. The Iranians are unprepared to do anything that could help the causes of the Syrian Revolution".

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