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Pirapaharan felicitates Commander Balraj

Velupillai Pirapaharan, the leader of the Liberation Tigers, in his condolence message following the demise of Brigadier Balraj, elaborated on the characteristics that he admired in Brigadier Balraj as an exceptional military leader.
Balraj was at the center of many of LTTE's Himalayan victories, he said and remembered him as the "heroic military leader, who trained, guided and fought with our fighting formations and conventional brigades."
Full text of LTTE leader's message follows:
Head Quarters
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam Tamil Eelam
21 May 2008
My beloved Tamil people,
Our movement, in its long journey towards freedom, has made many admirable sacrifices; its history is filled with so many celebrated brave deeds; it has reached numerous achievements; and it has won great military victories. The man, who was at the center of many of our Himalayan victories, the heroic military leader, who trained, guided and fought with our fighting formations and conventional brigades, is with us no more. Our nation is in profound grief at his loss.
I loved him deeply as an exceptional military leader. I recognized in him, from the very beginning, the rare martial nature and martial characteristics that were natural to him. I saw him develop as an idealistic fighter with great skill and leadership.
His ability to move the fighting units, his focused actions, and his martial characteristics struck fear in the hearts of the enemy. These same characteristics strengthened the conviction and morale of our fighters. They brought us victories.
Brigadier Balraj has not left us. As the energy that seeks our nation’s freedom, as the fiery force that moves us on, he will always be within us.
V Pirapaharan
Leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

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