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Peace keeping drones to be sent to Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda have backed a United Nations proposal to deploy unmanned surveillance drones along Congo’s eastern border.

The head of the UN peacekeeping mission, Herve Ladsous, said he had asked for the drones after thousands of U.N peacekeepers failed to prevent rebels from capturing the strategic Congolese city of Goma.

Congo’s information Minister Lamber Mende, welcomed the proposition, suggesting,

“The deployment of three unarmed drones will allow international troops to refine their management of the problematic border which separates DRC and Rwanda.”

Uganda’s Defence Minister Crispus kiyonga, welcomed the decision with caution, stating,

“Drones can be used for two purposes: you can use them for intelligence or for fighting. If a drone is for intelligence and it respects sovereignty, it will be alright.”

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