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New act supports different Buddhist sect claims opposition MP

Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) General Secretary MP Udaya Gammanpila claimed that a plans to introduce a new act proposed by the Sri Lankan government seeks to promote a different sect of Buddhism than that practised in Sri Lanka.

The popular opposition MP said that the proposed new act “will only be applicable for the Theravada Buddhist monks”.

“Thus, it looks like, this act attempts promote Mahayana Buddhism here,” said Gammanpila.

Mahayana Buddhism, the form of the religion mainly practised across the Far East, has faced repression in Sri Lanka, with temples being attacked by Sinhala Buddhist monks and calls for its banning by government ministers.

Controversy over the proposed act comes after Buddhist group BBS voiced its opposition and the JVP party threatened street protests if it were to pass.

Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena though stated that the bill would not be passed without approval from the Maha Sanga.

Speaking after a meeting with Buddhist academics, Mr Sirisena assure them that the consent of the Maha Sanga would be sought first, adding “the ability of Buddhist philosophy to influence issues in the fields of environment, social and cultural is very comprehensive”.

JVP led monks threaten street protests if bill against Buddhist clergy passed in Sri Lanka (16 Jan 2016) 

 Buddhist monks will not answer to 'white man' legal system says BBS Gen-Sec (16 Jan 2015) 

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