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Mullivaikkal survivor and daughter of disappeared achieves district top rank in A Level Commerce

A young Tamil woman whose family have been searching for their disappeared father since May 2009 has achieved top rank in the Mullaitivu district in this year’s GCE A Level Commerce results.

Yalini Ravichchandran whose father disappeared in the final phases of the armed conflict found out she had obtained the highest marks in the district earlier this week when A Level results were released.

The Tamil community has heaped praised on Yalini for her achievement, calling her a credit to her family and the community.

Yalini’s mother, who lost an arm at Mullivaikkal, has raised her and her brother alone for the last decade while searching for her disappeared husband.

Yalini was a student at the Puthukuduyiruppu Central College and lives with her mother and brother in Devipuram, Mullaitivu.

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