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Kuwait frees one detained royal

Kuwait has released a member of the ruling family, Shaikh Abdullah Salem Al Sabah, who was arrested after tweeting comments that were critical of the government.

Shaikh Abdullah said he was questioned by the secret service police around accusations of instigating against the regime.

Sheikh Abdullah and another young Sheikh, Shaikh Nawaf Malek Al Sabah, wrote tweets that were sympathetic of the Kuwaiti opposition protests.

The Kuwaiti opposition were protesting against an amendment that allowed for a pro-government parliament to be assembled in a unexpected general election due to take place on 1st December. The opposition argue that the amendment allows the government to influence the outcome of the elections.

Noting the Kuwaiti response to opposition protests, Human Rights Watch called to revoke the ban on demonstrations.

Speaking on the need to respect the people’s right to self-assembly, Deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, Joe Stork, said,

“The government has an obligation to respect the right to gather peacefully regardless of whether demonstrators support or oppose policies.”

“If force is required to quell violence by protesters it should be the absolute minimum necessary to protect lives and property.”

“The right to peaceful assembly is enshrined in the constitution Kuwaitis will be celebrating.. Authorities should lift the ban and permit people to express their views.”

Human Rights Watch’s concerns come after over 150 protesters were injured in demonstrations at the end of October.

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