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Kosovan rebel alleges organs sold on black market

A former Kosovan Albanian rebel has testified “in detail” on how Serb prisoners had organs removed for sale in the black market during the Kosovan war, according to Serb psoecutors.

Serbia's War Crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic stated that,

"We have a witness who testified about a medical procedure, done in northern Albania, that consisted of harvesting organs from Serbs kidnapped during the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo"

"He described a surgery harvesting a heart from a Serb prisoner at a location near (the northern Albanian town of) Kukes in the late 1990s."

The witness then further alleged that the organ was transported to Rinas airport near the capital of Tirana.

The European Union launched an investigation into organ harvesting in the Kosovan war, led by American prosecutor John Clint Williamson, after a 2010 Council of Europe report.

Vukcevic said he expected "that the witness' testimony will help prosecutor Williamson's probe."

See report from AFP here.

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