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Island-wide civil society condemns police shooting of Tamil students

Civil society activists and organisations across the island on Friday condemned the killing of two Tamil students at the University of Jaffna by Sri Lankan police officers. 
In a statement signed by 113 individuals and 12 organisations, the civil society activists called for a "for an independent investigation and so as to ensure justice". 
Demanding that the judicial process be independent, impartial and fast-tracked, the activists said, "speedy and demonstrable action to mete out justice on this incident, and adequate compensation and continued support to the two families, is urgently required with no further delays or attempts to cover-up."
"It is time the authorities demonstrate to the people in the area and across Sri Lanka that the rule of law prevails and that every effort is being taken to ensure justice and the non-recurrence of violence."
See here for full statement and list of signatories. 

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