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India worst G20 country to be a woman – poll

Protesters in Delhi on Thursday (The Hindu)

A poll by TrustLaw, a Thomson Reuters news service, has found that India is the worst of the Group of 20 countries to be a woman in.

Canada was found to be the best place by the global survey of experts, with Germany, Britain, Australia and France completing the top 5.

The brutal rape and subsequent death of a woman in India’s capital New Delhi, and apparent lack of political will to adress the issue, has caused outrage across the country and abroad, shining a spot-light on how women are treated in the world’s largest democracy.

Massive protests in India were initially ignored by political leaders, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promising to take action to ensure security of women a full week after protests first started.

Recent research by economists in India has found that over 2 million women go missing in India each year.

Another report, released last week, says that dozens of candidates put forward by political parties, including elected officials, have rape charges pending against them.

How India treats its women (BBC) - 29 Dec 2012

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