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India and Pakistan agree to “de-escalate” tensions

Both India and Pakistan have agreed to ease military tensions in Kashmir, after a recent fighting has left at least 5 soldiers dead from both sides.

A 10-minute phone call between commanders from both armies reportedly saw an agreement that tensions would not continue to rise between the two.

The agreement comes after a rise in tensions that saw a spate of killings across the Line of Control that divides Kashmir. At least 3 Pakistani soldiers and Indian soldiers have been killed in the violence, according to reports.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called on his troops to be “aggressive and offensive in the face of provocation and fire” slamming the killing and allegeded beheading of an Indian soldier as “unacceptable and unpardonable” and accused Pakistan of violating the “ethics of warfare”.

Meanwhile Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar claimed India was "war-mongering" and this was "detrimental to the peace process between the two countries". Pakistan called for UN monitors in the region to conduct an inquiry into the violence, a suggestion that has been rejected by India.

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