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Fugitive harbourers 'stand on wrong side of history' says US

The United States has released a statement calling on states to do more to arrest Rwandan genocide fugitives, after the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) sentenced a former Rwandan Minister last week.

In a statement released after the sentencing, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said,

“We urge all countries to redouble their cooperation with the ICTR so that fugitives can be arrested. Those who harbor fugitives obstruct justice and stand on the wrong side of history.

Speaking on the sentencing of Augustin Ngirabatware, Nuland said,

“The United States welcomes this ruling as an important step in providing justice and accountability for the Rwandan people and the international community"

"Yesterday’s conviction sends a strong signal that the international community will not rest until the remaining fugitives are brought to account.”

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