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French soldiers fighting in Mali

France’s President Francois Hollande has confirmed that French troops are supporting Mali’s army in clashes with rebels in the north.

He said the soldiers "have brought support this afternoon to Malian units to fight against terrorist elements".
Mr Hollande added that the military intervention would last "as long as necessary".

"Mali is facing an assault by terrorist elements coming from the north whose brutality and fanaticism is known across the world," he said.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country and President Dioncounda Traore called on his people to unite to "free every inch" of the country.

He said a "powerful and massive riposte” will be launched after he "called for and obtained France's air support within the framework of the international legality".

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague confirmed that the British government supports France’s intervention. The US and the African Union also expressed support.

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