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Egyptian vice president resigns

Egypt’s Vice President, Mahmoud Mekki, announced his resignation today as the country completes its voting process on the controversial referendum on a draft constitution.

Mahmoud Mekki, appointed in August, said the Vice President role did not suit his background as a judge.

Though President Mursi has said the referendum on the constitution will secure democracy, opponents argue the document betrays the revolution that overthrew Mubarak last year.

Explaining his resignation Mekki said,

“I realised a while ago that the nature of politics does not suit my professional background as a judge.”

Mekki’s statement also indicated that he had no prior knowledge of Mursi’s decree, that is said to undermine the independence of the judiciary.

Mekki’s resignation adds to a list of 7 other senior official resignations, who all indicated that they had not been consulted about the President’s drafting of the constitution, which opposition leaders describe as going against the human rights that the revolution looked to uphold.

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