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Eelam Tamil journalists honoured by IATAJ

Seven Tamil journalists were honoured by the International Association of Tamil Journalists at an event held in memory of Eelam Tamil journalists that were assassinated or killed by Sri Lankan state forces.

The seven journalists were given awards for their services to journalism in the Tamil homeland and their courage and commitment despite threats and militarisation.

The honoured journalists were:

Srignaneswaran Ramanathan, editor of the Trincomalee-based Malaimurasu;

Selvaraja Rajasegar, editor of Maattram;

Kamalanathan Hamsanan;

Jeyarajah Thurairaja (Jeraa);

Uthayarasa Shalin;

Arumugarasa Sabeswaran, assistant editor of Thinakkural Jaffna;

Vigneswaran Kajeepan.

The awards were collected by family members of the journalists or UK-based media colleagues on their behalf.



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