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DRC/M23 peace talks to continue

The UN Security Council and US government have given the go-ahead for M23 rebels to be involved in peace talks with the Democratic Republic of Congo government despite placing sanctions against some of the rebel leaders.

The DRC's Minster of Defence and chief facilitator of the talks, Dr Crispus Kiyonga, confirmed the continuation of peace talks with the leaders, stating:

“Both parties (UN and US) have assured us that they support the dialogue and sanctions don’t interfere with dialogue. As long as member of the delegation has not been affected by sanctions he can go ahead and participate.”

Kiyonga added that travel exemption for key rebels would be sought, to enable full dialogue and participation in the peace talks.

Last week, the UN Security Council imposed travel bans on named M23 rebels, including a key figure in the dialogue, Jean-Marie Runiga.

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