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DRC rebels declare ceasefire

The M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo have declared a unilateral ceasefire.

The rebels are due to hold peace talks with the government soon and expressed hope that Kinshasa will reciprocate the move.

"We've been for peace... today we're declaring that we're in a ceasefire," M23 spokesman Francois Rucogoza told reporters in the Ugandan capital Kampala.

"Even if the government refuses to sign a ceasefire agreement we'll continue with the negotiations.”

The government however said they will have to wait and see whether the rebels were being sincere.

"We don't think we can see this as a concession from people who don't tend to do what they say. We'll wait and see. We want to know why [they've made the announcement]," the government’s spokesperson Lambert Mende said according to Reuters.

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