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Congo rebels threaten to withdraw from peace talks

Congolese rebels have threatened to walk away from this week’s peace talks following an increased presence of government troops in the east.

The rebel, March 23 Movement(M23), affirmed that they would walk away unless the government agreed to sign an official ceasefire.

Speaking to reporters the head of the rebel’s political wing, Jean-Marie Runiga, said,

“If Kinshasa continues to refuse to sign a ceasefire, M23 is going to ask its delegation to return to the DRC”

A government spokesman dismissed the rebel demand, stating,

“There’s no point in a ceasefire. When did we declare war?"

The first attempt at peace talks to end the nine-month rebellion in Congo’s volatile east failed last month amid threats and accusations.

The M23 rebels, named after a 2009 peace deal for eastern Congo, claimed that it initially took up arms due to the Kinshasa government’s failure to honour its side of the bargain.

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