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Colombo to push ahead with amendment to restrict detainee rights

The Sri Lankan government has rejected criticism over an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code which will restrict the rights of those who have been arrested to have access to their lawyers, and pledged that it will push ahead with the amendment.
Sri Lanka’s Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakse said that his government would implement the amendment and hit back at criticism from the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) as well as the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL), both of whom have strongly condemned the move.
“Both BASL and HRCSL should examine the difficulties experienced by law enforcement authorities in fighting crime as well as ordinary law abiding citizens without being only worried about suspects," said Mr Rajapakse.
He went on to add that “law-abiding people shouldn't be unnecessarily concerned about the proposed amendment,” according to comments made to The Island.
"We are amending the Criminal Procedure Code to strengthen the hands of law enforcement authorities,” he concluded. “It’s a priority."
The new amendment would allow security forces the power to obtain statements from detained suspects, before they have access to legal representation. Activists have said the move will encourage the use of torture and statements made under duress.
See more from The Island here.

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