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Colombian-Farc talks to resume new year

Talks between Farc and Colombia have made progress said both sides prior to the Christmas break.

In a statement, the government's lead negotiator, Humberto de la Calle said,

"Since November 19 when we formally began, we've had 21 sessions and more than 100 hours of intense work, and concrete advances, all as expected."

Asserting that the government hoped Farc could be transformed into a political organisation, De La Calle said,

"They don't have to abandon their ideology and the government does not have to change its model of society,"

"We are not negotiating the development model of Colombia nor the democratic system of the government."

Meanwhile the lead Farc negotiator, Ivan Marquez, said, 

[Achieving peace] "without a doubt requires changes to the model of society and the anti-democratic political system that in the end is responsible for shameful inequality and exclusion that characterize the Colombian regime."


"A badly constructed peace is worse than a war."

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