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Catalonians to use match to assert call for independence

Catalonians are preparing to use a football match - Barcelona v. Real Madrid - to assert the call for independence reports The Times.

As an estimated 400 million viewers watch the match worldwide, Barcelona football fans are planning to recreate an enormous Catalan flag, holding up red or yellow cards to form the stripes of the flag.

After that display, at 17 minues and 14 seconds in the match, a time which marks the year that Catalonia was conquered by Spain, the fans are planning to simultaneously hold up the Catalan flag of independence which carries a white star for independence.

Fans intend to carrying posters reading, "Catalonia: the new European state".

Ferran Civit of the Catalan National Assembly said: “We want to use this occasion with so many people watching around the world to get home to people that Catalans want independence.”

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