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Brahimi meets Assad as violence continues

The UN-Arab League envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi  has held talks with besieged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in efforts to stem violence in the country, whilst alleged attacks by government forces continued.

After meeting with Assad on Monday, Brahimi said,

"I had the honour to meet the president and as usual we exchanged views on the many steps to be taken in the future,"

"Assad expressed his views on the situation and I told him about my meetings with leaders in the region and outside."

He went on to express hope that “all parties are in favour of a solution that draws Syrian people together".

The meeting comes as opposition activists said dozens of people were killed by a government air strike in the  rebel-held town of Halfaya. Activist Samer al-Hamawi said more than 1,000 people were queuing up at a bakery when the government jets struck.

He told reporters,

"We hadn't received flour in around three days so everyone was going to the bakery today, and lots of them were women and children."

See Human Rights Watch’s documentation of previous attacks by the Syrian government of civilian bread lines here.

Syrian state TV meanwhile blamed the attack on “armed terrorist groups”.

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