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Basque nationalist party disbands French arm

The French arm of Basque nationalist party, Batasuna, announced the dissolution of the organisation on Thursday, putting an end to the movement long seen as the political wing of armed separatist group ETA.

Announcing the dissolution of the organisation, spokesperson Maite Goyenetxe, reiterated that the resolve for an independent homeland was still present, stating

“We affirm that we will achieve the project of building Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) only by political means, in the face of oppressive French and Spanish states.”

Explaining the dissolution of the Batasuna, Goyenetxe explained that the movement had entered a “new political phase”.

Despite being banned by the Spanish government in 2003, the party continued to function in the Basque areas of France, working towards an independent traditional Basque

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