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‘Our government will never sign the CEPA’ says Ranil

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said his government would “never” sign the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) deal with India, in a speech delivered to parliament on Wednesday.

“Our government will never sign the CEPA agreement under any circumstance, and that it won’t be signed under another name,” said the prime minister. “This harmful CEPA agreement has been removed completely from our nation.”

Also see our earlier feature: Sri Lanka’s Indophobia (07 Aug 2015)

Mr Wickremesinghe went on to insist only an economic and technology agreement with India would be signed, denying that any agreement had been signed already.
“There is no CEPA agreement. Some are attempting to say there is one and create instability in the country,” he said.


He also pledged that we would seek advice from Sri Lanka’s trade unions prior to the signing of any agreement.

His comments come amid increasing opposition to the signing of a trade deal with India from Sinhala political parties.

See our earlier posts:

Sri Lanka will 'become an Indian colony' warns opposition MP (18 Nov 2015)

Opposition to CEPA mounts  (13 Sep 2015)



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