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‘Important issues remain unsolved’ says German ambassador to Sri Lanka

Germany’s ambassador to Sri Lanka said many important issues remain unsolved in Sri Lanka and warned that urgent action was needed to implement a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution on accountability for mass atrocities.

Speaking to The Island, German Ambassador Jorn Rohde said that "the first successful steps have been taken with regard to Right to Information, Constitutional Assembly and Office of Missing Persons”.

However he went on to add,

“But, important issues on constitutional reform such as devolution of power and transitional justice - the Prevention of Terrorism Act being replaced with legislation in line with international standards, return of lands to the war displaced and effectively addressing corruption issues and exemption from punishment, remain unresolved."

The Ambassador went on to state that time was fast running out and urgent action was called for in order to successfully implement a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution, which calls for foreign judges to take part in an accountability mechanism for violations of international law.

"We will always be a trusted and sustainable partner, since both our countries share the same goals of development and democracy,” said Mr Rohde, adding “development without freedom and democracy is hardly sustainable".

See the full text of his interview here.

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