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Ban Ki Moon urges Sirisena to advance dialogue on political settlement

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon urged the Sri Lankan president, Maithripala Sirisena, to advance dialogue on political settlement in Sri Lanka, during a meeting in New York as President Sirisena attended the UN General Assembly.

In a statement Mr Moon's spokesperson said, “the Secretary-General discussed recent political developments, congratulated the President on the elections, and commended his message of national unity, reconciliation and good governance.

He encouraged the President to advance the dialogue on a political settlement and seize this opportunity to lay the foundation for long-lasting peace and stability.”

“The Secretary-General reiterated his strong commitment to Sri Lanka and pledged the UN’s continued support. He looked forward to working closely with the President, the Government and domestic stakeholders during this critical time. The Secretary-General also encouraged the President to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into the national development agenda.”

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