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New alliance to take on SLFP approved by UNP

The formation of an alliance led by the UNP and including Sinhala-hardliners the JHU, and some members of the SLFP, was approved earlier today at a special convention in Colombo.

Speaking at the event, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the new alliance, named United National Front for Good Governance, would take steps to develop the country and fight corruption when in power.

“We will provide one million job opportunities within five years and create 48 economic zones,” he said.

The prime minister further said a new government would devolve powers to the provinces.

Mr Wickremesinghe said that he believes every community in every part of the country should be able to enjoy equal rights and that land acquired during the war will be returned to the rightful owners in the North and East, as well as in the South.

President Sirisena, who remains with the SLFP, which is in turmoil over the nomination of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa, will work with the new alliance, if it wins the election, Mr Wickremesinghe further said.
The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress meanwhile announced it will contest the election with the UNP in all districts, save Batticaloa and the Vanni, which it will contest independently.

Sirisena's SLFP says it will launch an inquiry into its members who pledged to support the UNF at the general elections.

Opposition leader Nimal Siripala De Silva said the SLFP had not been informed of any members joining the UNP to contest the elections, but if proved true, the party would seek an immediate explanation from them. “A due process will follow and an inquiry will be launched against them,” De Silva said.

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