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Journalists in North-East continue to face attacks - IFJ

The International Federation of Journalists said in its latest report on press freedom that journalists in the North-East of the island continue to face threats and harassment.

The detailed report on press freedom in South Asia, focused on attacks in the North-East and impunity for the killings of journalists who were murdered over the past few decades.

"Even six years after the end of the war, the media in the Northern and Eastern Province of the island continue to face attacks and harassment," the report said.

The IFJ highlighted attacks and threats faced by the Uthayan newspaper.

"Since Uthayan always stood for the aspirations and needs of Tamil people, it was a headache for the government which sought to suppress the Tamil people," the IFJ said.

"In the long history of media suppression in Sri Lanka, Uthayan has been the subject of the greatest number of attacks. Attacks against the paper stand out even in the past 10 years, during which media suppression increased in the name of war and fighting terrorism."

See full report here.

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