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BJP hails 'historic' Modi visit

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has hailed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Sri Lanka as “historic” and praised the “very positive message sent to Tamils” on the island.

BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said the visit would “pave the way for strong ties between India and Sri Lanka,” adding,

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit after three decades has proved to be a historic visit. Prime Minister's visit to Jaffna has sent a very positive message to Tamils living in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. He also flagged of the fishermen issue and his address to the Sri Lankan Parliament was very grandly appreciated.”

The BJP also noted recent reports of yet another attack on Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan navy, stating this was “a long time problem”.

“This is a humanitarian issue,” said Mr Rao, adding that there were hopes the ongoing problem would be resolved.

See also:

In Jaffna "to wipe tears" from those that suffered - Modi  (14 March 2015)

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