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Military awards and privileges restored to Fonseka

Military awards and privileges given to the former army commander of Sri Lanka, Sarath Fonseka, were restored by the Sri Lankan president on Tuesday reports the Colombo Page.

Sarath Fonseka, who claims credit for planning the entire military operation against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE),  is widely celebrated as the military figurehead that led the Sri Lankan military through the war, in which over 70,000 Tamil civilians are thought to have been killed  in the final stages.

Fonseka, who rejected all calls for cooperation with the United Nations investigation into Sri Lankan atrocities, will also run for Sri Lankan parliamentary elections.

Sri Lanka's new president pardons Fonseka (21 Jan 2015)

'I planned the entire operation' states Fonseka (12 Jan 2015)

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