• Treat Tamil asylum seekers by the book

    Canada's immigration minister is talking tough over the disposition of 76 Sri Lankan men who were intercepted off the B. C. coast
  • Natural Order
    Why Sri Lanka ignores international outrage over the camps
  • Great Expectations - Still
    Tamil anger is held in check by international commitments.
  • Life during peacetime
    With Sri Lanka's war over, there is no excuse for anti-Tamil policies
  • Fostering Hatred
    Sri Lanka is laying the foundations for renewed war.
  • Dissuade India from backing Rights violator Sri Lanka, Boston Globe tells Clinton
    "When it comes to regional issues, Clinton should make the case that the expanding US-Indian relationship gives Indian leaders more strategic flexibility. They can stop trying to match their Chinese counterparts in backing regimes, such as those in Burma and Sri Lanka, that have committed gross human-rights abuses against their own people. If a shared respect for democratic values forms the foundation for the burgeoning US-India partnership, Indian leaders should be able to heed any such counsel from Clinton," the Saturday July 18, editorial in Boston Globe said.
  • Extortion Economy
    Sri Lanka’s crisis was made possible by international engagement.
  • Living Horror
    Sri Lanka’s concentration camps exemplify ethnic relations there.
  • Hostages
    Sri Lanka is – again – trying to make money through Tamil suffering.
  • Witness to disaster
    The silence of those who were warned of civilian deaths in Sri Lanka is shameful. They must speak out now to prevent future atrocities wrote The Times in an editorial on 30 May.
  • The Liberal Moment
    These are both revealing and defining times for the Tamils and Sri Lanka.
  • Our Holocaust
    The struggle for Tamil liberation is entering a new phase.
  • Disconnect and Mobilisation
    The West wants the Tamils to make it easy and forget the genocide.
  • Great Expectations
    How will Western liberal states respond to the Tamils’ appeals?
  • Futile Wait
    Sri Lanka’s slaughter reveals the fiction of international liberalism.
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