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'Resonance of Genocide' - Swiss art exhibition commemorates Tamil genocide

All images courtesy of Phoenix TNG 

A multi-sensory art exhibition was held in Basel, Switzerland, over the weekend to commemorate and raise awareness on the 2009 Tamil genocide.

The exhibition, organised by Phoenix TNG in collaboration with LOTTA, drew attention to the massacre at Mullivaikkal, where Sri Lanka's forces slaughtered an estimated 169 796 Tamils.

The exhibition, which attracted over 200 visitors, guided them through the ten stages of a genocide, with artwork demonstrating each stage. The artwork also highlighted the parallels between the genocides in Tamil Eelam, and other atrocities in places such as Palestine and Armenia. 

Tamil and non- Tamil artists from around the world contributed with various art-pieces to this exhibition. The artists include: Gayathri Albert, Janani Jegan, Till Küng, Anusha Nadarasa, Nivethan Nanthakumar, Sabrina Patmanathan, Shaumia Sivananthan, Shanciya Sathananthan, Initha Suganthan and Shawmya Thilipkumar. 

A similar exhibition was also held by SOFT in Germany.

See more photographs below: 


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