Muslim Maaveerar of the Tamil Struggle

This article was originally published in November 2016.

The Tamil nation, in the homeland and in the diaspora, holds steadfastly to records of the liberation struggle. The well-known dates and the lesser known dates are tirelessly observed. Heroes are canonised in the Maaveerar Naal calendar.

But with the destruction of LTTE records and cemeteries, it becomes inevitable that some names are lost to us, at least momentarily.

The record of Muslim fighters remains incomplete. Their contribution to the Tamil struggle for liberation is often overlooked in the mainstream commemoration of Maaveerar Naal.

In this brief sample we have published, the Muslim Maaveerar span generations and hail  from all over the Tamil homeland.

This list was originally published on (Cadre indicates Veeravenkai)

Rank & Nom de Guerre Civilian name Place of Birth Date of death (Veerasaavu) Details
Lieutenant Junaideen/ Johnson Junaideen Oddamaavadi, Batticaloa 30.11.1985  
Cadre Rahman     08.05.1986  
Cadre Raheem     08.05.1986  
Cadre Usman Kizhangu Abdulkader Sadiq Baal Jaffna 25.08.1986 Died in battle with Sri Lankan forces
Cadre Latheep Muhammed Aliar Muhammed Latheep Ollikulam, Kattankudy, Batticaloa 24.12.1986 Killed in ambush by EPRLF cadres in Thaazhankuda, Batticaloa
Captain Farooq Ahmed Lebbai Mohammed Hanifa Akkaraipattu, Amparai 07.01.1987  
Captain Kuddy (Thinesh) Mohammed Alibai Mohammed Hassan Per Aru, Kanthalaai, Trincomalee 28.04.1987 Shot and killed by Muslim Homeguards in Kanthalaai, Trincomalee
Cadre Saleem     03.07.1987 Died in battle with the Sri Lankan Army in Thaandiyadi, Amparai
Cadre Naseer Muhammed Naseer Kankeyanodai, Batticaloa 30.12.1987 Shot dead by members of a Jihadi group in Kattankudy, Batticaloa
Cadre Sabeer Saripudin Mohammed Sabeer Thiyavedduvaan, Batticaloa 13.05.1988 Hacked to death by TELO cadres in Naasivanthivu, Batticaloa
Cadre Nakulan Yunaidin Addaalaichenai, Karaitivu, Amparai 26.06.1988 Killed in a shootout with IPKF in Akkaraipattu, Amparai
Cadre Naseer Samsudin Naseer Oluvil, Amparai 17.02.1989 Killed after capture by EPRLF cadres in Ninthavur, Batticaloa
Cadre Jamil Jayath Mohammed Usaidin Oddamaavadi, Batticaloa 05.08.1989 Killed in battle with IPKF in Oddamaavadi, Batticaloa
Cadre Ziaad Meerasahib Kaalideen Sainthamaruthu, Amparai 06.12.1989 Killed in an ambush by ENDLF cadres in Palukamam, Batticaloa
2nd Lieutenant Santhan Naina Muqaidin Niyas Nilaveli, Trincomalee 06.02.1990 Killed in a boat accident after an attack on an ENDLF camp in Jamaliya, Trincomalee
Cadre Alex Ahmed Riyaz Maruthamunai, Neelaavenai, Batticaloa 04.05.1990  
Cadre Sunthar Ahmed Lebbai Sebladdin Veppaanaichenai, Amparai 25.05.1990  
Cadre Kamaal   Batticaloa 07.06.1990  
Cadre Thakeer Muqaideenpava Ansar Thirukonamadu, Pollunaruwa 11.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces in Kalkuda, Batticaloa
Cadre Kapoor Mohammed Aliar Mohammadusaleem Kankeyanodai, Batticaloa 11.06.1990 Killed in an attack on Sri Lankan forces in Kalavanchikudy, Batticaloa.
Lieutenant Jamil Kareem Mustafa Oddamaavadi, Batticaloa 12.06.1990 Killed in an attack on a Sri Lankan Army camp in Kumpurumoolai, Trincomalee
Cadre Telafiq Ismail Oddamaavadi, Batticaloa 12.06.1990 Killed in an attack on a Sri Lankan Army camp in Kumpurumoolai, Trincomalee
Cadre Jiffrey Mohammed Ilyas 4th Vaddaaram, Meeravodai, Vaalaichenai, Batticaloa 13.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces in Kumpurumoolai, Trincomalee
Cadre Tharsan Abdulkader Samsi   13.06.1990  
Cadre Kalaiyan Kachumuhammadu Afulhassan 1st Vaddaaram, Pulmoddai, Trincomalee 14.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces
Cadre Anwar     15.06.1990 Killed while defending an LTTE camp, besieged by Sri Lankan forces in Panama, Amparai
Cadre Jegan Abdeen Mohammed Yusuf Kuchchaveli, Trincomalee 15.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces in Kaddaiparichaan, Trincomalee
Cadre Kubeer   Akkaraipattu, Amparai 15.06.1990 Killed while defending an LTTE camp, besieged by Sri Lankan forces in Panama, Amparai
Cadre Rauff Mohammed Rafeeq Pottuvil, Amparai 15.06.1990 Killed in an ambush by Sri Lankan forces in Lahugala, Amparai
Cadre Niyaz   Muthur, Trincomalee 17.06.1990 Killed in an attack by a Sri Lankan Air Force helicopter in Batticaloa
Cadre Majid Mohammed Isqaaq Kupsek Ali Meeravodai, Batticaloa 18.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces in Vairavapuliyankulam, Vavuniya
Cadre Jinnah Lebbaithambi Seynoor Oddamaavadi, Valaichenai, Batticaloa 19.06.1990 Killed in an ambush by Sri Lankan forces in Kottukal, Pottuvil, Amparai
Cadre Daniel Hanifa Muhammadurazeek Trincomalee 22.06.1990 Killed in battle with Sri Lankan forces in Thirumalai, Trincomalee
Cadre Haniya Abusali Bukhari Akkaraipattu, Amparai 15.07.1990  
Cadre Nirmal Abdul Nasser Pudavaikaddu, Trincomalee 27.07.1990 Killed in an explosives accident in Thiriyaai, Trincomalee
Lieutenant Eelanathan Kadhar Muhaideen Sarudin Oddaruthakulam, Mullaitivu 07.04.1998 Succumbed to wounds sustained in Sri Lankan Army artillery attack at Olumadu, during Operation Jayasikurui (Victory Assured)
Lieutenant Colonel Maran/ Kuntrathevan Kadhar Muhaideen Najeem-Khan Oddaruthakulam, Mullaitivu 29.09.2008 Died in battle in Vanni

Art by Sinblack

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