Malayaga Tamil journalist faces threats for his advocacy 

Malayaga Tamil activist, Jeewaratnam Suresh, faces continued threats and intimidation after successful appeal to Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court to improve the housing rights of Malayaga Tamils, who have faced historic oppression.

As a result of his fundamental rights petition, filed in March 2023, Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court mandated that Sri Lankan authorities need to provide house numbers/addresses to persons living in plantations. Following this ruling, on 4th December 2023, Suresh received threatening calls warning him to cease his work on this issue.

This is not the first time Jeewaratnam Suresh has been targeted for his activism. In November 2023, after organizing a peaceful protest advocating for land and housing rights, an alleged Sri Lankan intelligence officer inquired about his activities and whereabouts. In July 2023, during the symbolic walk commemorating the historical journey of Malayaga Tamils brought to Sri Lanka under British Colonial rule, Suresh received phone calls from Sri Lankan intelligence officers seeking information on his plans and whereabouts.

Front Line Defenders has called upon Sri Lankan authorities to:

  • Conduct an immediate, thorough, and impartial investigation into the threats against Jeewaratnam Suresh, publishing the results and holding those responsible accountable in accordance with international standards.
  • Ensure the physical and mental integrity and safety of Jeewaratnam Suresh and his family members.
  • Guarantee the freedom and safety of all human rights defenders in Sri Lanka, especially those from minority ethnic communities, allowing them to carry out their vital work without fear of intimidation, harassment, threats, or restrictions.

Read the full statement here.

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